Category Archives: Babies and Children

Blue Springs Family Photography: The “H” Family

Even though it’s usually one of the hardest parts of a session, going through a client’s gallery and picking images to share for their blog post is also often one of my favorites. It’s hard because I always want to post them all and have a hard time narrowing down the images, but it’s so much fun to relive the session. In true 2020 fashion, something happened at the beginning of this session that has NEVER happened to me before (so embarrassing, but I keep it real friends). I arrived to meet this family, grab my camera bag and instantly realize it feels too light. That’s when I remembered I decided to take may camera out and charge the battery a little at the last minute… just to be safe. My heart dropped. Luckily I have had the pleasure of working with this beautiful family for an engagement session, wedding, maternity, and extended family session in the past so I consider them friends and they were very understanding (and also, thank goodness our session location wasn’t far from home). It all worked out in the end and we got some amazing photos and had so much fun!


Blue Springs, Mo Child Photographer: Pumpkins!

This session was full of pumpkins, but one lil punkin had a little more spunk than the rest. What a cutie! We visited The Pumpkin Pad in Grain Valley for this session. It’s hard to be interested in a strange lady with a big camera for too long when there is so much to do and see, so this became a pretty candid session after a little bit which often end up being the most cherished photos down the road anyway.2017-10-14_0001.jpg

Corder, Mo Child Photographer: Beau

I haven’t had a session with a toddler for quite a while so I was so excited when Beau’s mommy contacted me to let me know he was turning 18 mos. and ready for some photos! It’s so hard to believe how quickly the time passes. I have done just about every type of session that I shoot with this couple starting with their engagement photos and it’s amazing and wonderful to watch their little family grow. Before we know it I will be taking Beau’s Senior Portraits! 🙂 Anyway, it was a refreshing change getting to photograph a little one again. There is no real planning with these sessions. Your best bet is to hang on to your camera and get ready to run and snap a shot during those brief seconds when they aren’t moving. And if you are fast enough you will capture some wonderful, real-life moments of a childhood. Those moments are such a treasure. It doesn’t last long. Seriously…Senior Photos will be here all too soon.

Blue Springs Child Photographer: Tweens and Pre-tweens

It’s almost back-to-school time, which means it is almost time for those wonderful school photos. Ok, so I said that with some sarcasm, but when my oldest graduated from elementary school this past year and they presented me with a card with all of her school photos from kindergarten through 5th grade, I have to admit I had a new appreciation for these so-so photos. Still, they don’t always show your child’s personality or remind you of who they were at that age. That’s why I love the idea of Tween and Pre-tween sessions!

When babies are first born we take photos of every milestone. Sometimes even monthly photos to show how much they change and grow from month to month and how their little personalities are changing. But then, things tend to take a break. Sure, there are vacation photos, selfies, sport events, etc. to capture moments, but seldom portrait sessions until they are seniors in high school. That time in between sometimes seems like a blur with busy schedules and trying to balance fun, responsibilities, etc. It’s such an exciting time watching them try new things and figure out who they want to be though! I want to capture who they are at these fun ages. That’s why I have started doing some Tween and Pre-tween sessions with my kids.
I’m sharing this one that captures my son at 8 1/2 years old perfectly. We did this spontaneously today for some artwork for his new room plans. Messy hair and all of his favorite things…so him! Love them!

If you are interested in scheduling a Tween or Pre-tween session for your kiddos, contact me for more info!2017-08-07_0001.jpg

Blue Springs, Mo. Family and Child Photographer: “E” Family

I am always so excited when it’s time to visit with this beautiful family again. These girls are so photogenic! It’s hard to believe that last time I saw little Cece was at her newborn session and now I can barely keep up with her! Norah was just a doll to photograph as usual, but definitely starting to look more like a “big girl” than the tiny little girl I first met a few years ago. They really do grow up so fast. I’m so glad I have had the privilege to capture these moments and stages so they will always be remembered.