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The Art of Simplicity: Mitchell’s Senior Studio Session

This was only my second High School Senior Session that was all or mostly done in the Studio. When Mitchell’s dad reached out to schedule his session, he made it clear that Mitchell really just wanted a simple session and didn’t need to pick out a dramatic or scenic location…the studio would be fine. It...

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    Photos With Friends: A session for the Lowe Family

    Life is so busy for everyone so I love it when friends schedule a session with me. Sometimes it’s the only way I have time to hang out and catch up with them! Bonus when they are as adorable as this family AND they choose a new beautiful location to try! I had so much...

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      Costume Madness on the Field: Northland Spartans Costume Lacrosse Game

      I recently had to get my son Chase to Lacrosse right after an engagement session that I was shooting. This wasn’t any ordinary practice though so I’m so glad I had my camera along with me! The Northland Spartans had a Halloween Costume Scrimmage and it was hilarious. Never would I ever think I would...

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        From Spooky to Spectacular: 2024 Trail For Treats

        It’s hard to believe it’s been 3 years since I opened my little studio space in Oak Grove. I grew up in a small town and knew I wanted my business to be a part of a small community, but when the chance to move to this space arose, I don’t think I could have...

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          Stepping Out In Style: Urban/Nature Senior Session

          The West Bottoms might not be a new or original location for photos, but I will NEVER get tired of shooting here. Blocks and blocks of what look like an outdoor photography studio with ever-changing and new “spots” popping up all the time. No matter how many sessions I shoot here, no two ever look...

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