Category Archives: Seniors

Addi ~ Gorgeous Fall Senior Session; Blue Springs and Independence, MO

So Addi isn’t so much doing “Senior Photos” as much as she is doing a whole “Senior Photo Project”.  We are doing a photo shoot for every season of her senior year! This beautiful girl is like a sister to my own daughter (so I had to include her in one photo as well) and is so much fun to photograph.  She and her mom come up with the best visions and all I have to do is show up with my camera and bring them to life.  We always have so much fun!  This is really true of all of my Senior Sessions though which is why they are one of my favorite types of sessions. Senior photos aren’t just about getting great pictures.  The whole process is one of those milestones and memories that every kiddo should get to experience and it should be FUN!  Addi will have lots of memories for sure and no shortage of beautiful photos either!

Super Fun Senior Session, Crossroads Art District

When I create a blog post for a session, I carefully go through their gallery and choose a variety of my favorite photos that best represent the client, the session and the whole feel of the day.  So for this session that means you pretty much get to see the entire gallery because I just couldn’t narrow it down.  So fun, so colorful, so Kansas City!

Addi L: Summer Senior Session

I’m a lucky photographer. We are doing a photo session for every season of this pretty girl’s senior year. I am thankful for this privilege not only because she is a dream to photograph, but also because she’s pretty special to our family. It is bittersweet knowing she’s off to college next year and we won’t see her as often, but I can’t wait to watch her shine at MIZZOU and watch her compete on their gymnastics team!

Kara Cap and Gown: West Bottoms, Kansas City

I have been so blessed to work with this gorgeous girl for several different photo shoots, and even more blessed to have had the opportunity to meet and become friends with her wonderful family. If she looks familiar it’s because she was an Olympic Alternate for the Women’s 2020 (21) Gymnastics Team! She is now continuing her gymnastics career at the University of Utah! She is absolutely gorgeous inside and out and I just love how this session turned out!

Blue Springs, MO Photographer: Morgan and Hannah

Wow, kids have a way of making you feel old. I remember when this handsome guy was born and it sure doesn’t seem long enough ago for him to now be attending his SENIOR PROM and getting ready to graduate! I loved hanging out with him, his beautiful date and his parents who happen to be my friends and some of the sweetest people you will ever meet!2021-05-11_0037.jpg