Tulip Field Session! (Bernhardy Family)

When a local tulip field announced that they were opening up days primarily for photographers to bring their clients out for photos I was SOOOO excited! I wanted to jump at the chance, but there were some concerns. It was pricey. Both for myself to obtain the exclusive photography pass which meant passing additional fees on to my clients and then the clients still had to pay an additional admission fee at the field. The location started a facebook page though and there seemed to be enough interest from potential clients so I decided to go for it. Then there was the tulips. This was the first year for the field and the dates that they would be blooming was just an estimate so I couldn’t schedule exact times for clients which made it difficult for some to commit to a session. They had to push it back a couple of times and then when they finally had a date, another “photographer” went on to the facebook page and badmouthed the field and posted very poor photos of tulips that weren’t open (there were still several days until the shoot dates) and bad angles making it appear there weren’t many tulips at all. Most of my clients began to cancel. Luckily there was one beautiful family that was still willing to take a chance. As you can see there were plenty of tulips and they were beautiful.

The only thing preventing this from being everything we hoped for was Mother Nature. Everything was extreme that day. The sun was so bright and glaring which in an open field is not ideal. The wind was insane which was not ideal for two girls and a mom with lovely, long hair. And it was cold. You wouldn’t know by the looking at the photos because these beauties were absolute TROOPERS, but they were freezing.

All in all I would say it was a successful and fun session. I would consider doing it again in the future if there is enough interest so if you are interested, let me know!