The Gang’s All Here!
I LOVE it when families all get together for family photos. This was one of those sessions where everything just seemed to fall perfectly into place. This time of year can be beautiful weather…or not. It’s that “in-between” season where it doesn’t feel like summer anymore but isn’t quite fall and the weather often can’t decide which one it is either resulting in weather ranging between 50 degrees and 100 degrees. Thankfully, it was just right for this family session.
You can’t help but love it when clients provide a beautiful location of their own either! We didn’t even scratch the surface of this gorgeous location they provided (complete with golf carts to haul us all to the good spots!). Then there’s the fact that we were working with a little one who made it all the way until the end of the session before he decided he was done. He was an absolute rock star and this was such a fun and gorgeous family session!