This was such a great session for so many reasons! 1) It was SMART! When your babies are grown and have left the nest and they all are home at the same time….DO THE FAMILY PHOTOS! This is not something that is likely to happen too often (especially when you have 4 kiddos all off doing different amazing things) so take advantage of it! 2) It was FUN! I love that the kids wanted to get a little silly and throw in some JCPENNEY-ish poses! Photo sessions don’t have to be (and in my opinion shouldn’t be) so serious! This family also was a chance for me to catch up with friends from long ago which was fun too! 3) It was ADVENTUROUS! This location is well-known for good reason, it’s a beautiful place for photos and has a stream with a waterfall. We had just gotten a TON of rain prior to this session and it was a little muddy and slippery in places and the water in the stream was really flowing, but a few family members braved the steep and slippery climb down to the waterfall for some fantastic photos.