
see my latest work on instagram: @heathernealphotography

High School Seniors: Lucas

It’s the beginning of a New Year and like always I find myself full of ideas, resolutions, and motivation. I have BIG plans (that will eventually simmer down into realistic plans) and want to tackle them all right away. Then the practical side of me takes over and says “How about we just start with getting all of LAST year’s sessions on the blog before you start doing Spring sessions? Good Plan. So in the spirit of doing just that, here is one of my High School Senior Sessions from late fall.

Lucas was great to work with and so photogenic. He had asked if his girlfriend could hang out and jump in a few shots and of course I was like “Sure”! Who doesn’t like clients that bring other super photogenic people to their session? We ended Lucas’ session at his recruiting office where he has enlisted in the Marines. I am so thankful to him for what he will be doing and will be praying for him as I am praying for all of those who are serving in this scary time.

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