Some years I have so many High School Senior Sessions I can barely squeeze them in. This year was full of weddings instead but my High School Senior Sessions were all about QUALITY over quantity. I may not have shot as many as past years, but the ones I did have were outstanding! Gabby’s was no exception. It doesn’t hurt when your clients are friends of course. My daughter, Marissa and I had a girl’s day prior to Gabby’s session and then she came along with me and we had a blast hanging out with gorgeous Gabby and her mama (who is also my friend). They not only provided me with a beautiful model, but the MOST gorgeous location which was complete with a rocky waterfall (minus the water, lol), lake and the cutest vintage Triumph. Of course we had to sneak in a little session of Gabby at the place where she spends the most time too. This session was a little bittersweet because it’s hard to think about Gabby being gone next year, but we CAN’T WAIT to cheer her on as she competes for the Florida Gators!!!