
see my latest work on instagram: @heathernealphotography

Blue Springs, Mo High School Senior Photographer: Kaylee

One of my favorite things about being a Kansas City area Photographer is the diversity in locations that are available. Kaylee’s session was a little bit country and a little bit city and I love both! We started at Missouri Town and took advantage of the rustic fences and buildings and even got some horses to jump in for a shot or two! Next we headed to the River Market to get some fun Urban shots. Kaylee is a natural beauty and the camera loved her! It was fun walking around the area with her and her mom and scouting out good spots. A couple of things I must point out…1) Notice the image with the strung light. I LOVE me some strung lights and have been lucky enough to come across them for several of my sessions this year so check out my past and future sessions and see how many times you can find some! 2) Take special notice of the “MIZZOU” image below. This fact that I really like this image surprises me for several reasons. Anyone who knows me well knows myself and my family in general aren’t Mizzou fans so that is the first reason (however there are exceptions to that and in this case, the cool use of this poster and the accomplishments of this lovely girl trump that for sure). The other thing that is probably more shocking to me though is that I’m not a fan of “selective color” photograhy editing. Like ever. Sometimes images scream out to me to be black and white though and in this case after finishing it in black and white, the MIZZOU was screaming to be back in color so I said “what the heck” and gave it a shot and think it kind of works. I’m still learning things every day and in this case it’s that my “rules” can be broken and when it comes to art…follow your heart.2018-10-15_0007.jpg

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